Get to know us better!

Aramague – was founded near Águeda and started its activities in 1989 with the production of wire articles.
In 1993, we moved to Valongo do Vouga - Águeda, a factor that is both essential to the economic and social development of the region, as well as the company itself. Through the years we have grown to encompass a 7000 square foot plant, employing well-experienced and trained personnel as well as using the most advanced equipment.
Committed to a policy of continuous improvement and lean manufacturing techniques we are quality accredited to NP EN ISO 9001.

We currently produce a wide range of wire, stainless steel and steel plate articles. We are a recognized brand nationally and internationally, with an export volume of 30%.

Our products range includes:
• Cable tray systems which are zinc plated, hot-dip galvanized and in stainless steel AISI 304 AND 316 and their accessories
• Storage containers
• Wire bottle carriers
• Wire and plates condensers for freezers and refrigerators
• Hinges for freezers
• Wire articles for freezers and refrigerators
• Others wire articles

With the permanent objective of upgrading and innovation our products, processes and services, we offer modern industrial technology, such as, epoxy, polyethylene and nylon coating, zinc plating and polishing, stainless steel electrolytic coating, among others.
